4 Host families at the countryside
5 Volunteers grateful to volunteers
6 Mobile secretariat for outdoors events
11 Healthy food and snacks in the nursery
12 Video communication for the elderly living at the countryside
14 Development of a mobile youth advisory centre (YAC) in a rural environment
21 Construction of a community centre and renovation of the former presbytary at Neerwinden
25 Development and renavation of the parish centre at Budingen
26 Newly built administrative offices
27 The association fair as a bridge between residents and the government
29 Renovation of the parisch centre at Webbekom
35 Reorganisation of the village centre of Miskom
36 Paenhuys-INC-lusief: from youth centre to community centre
38 Stabilisation and restoration of the cemetery wall in Laar CEMETERY WALL IN LAAR
39 Renovation of the St. Nicholas parish hall
40 Renovation of the parish centre 'Trefpunt Assent'
41 Reallocation of the presbytery of Molenbeek
42 Renovation of the premises of youth club 'Jocus' at Budingen
52 Safety ensured by permanently staffed facility
54 Creation of an intermunicipal memorial in recreational woodland with lake
55 Village centre regeneration in submunicipality of Rummen
56 Landscaping and refurbishment at Grabbelpas facilities
57 Multi-purpose youth premises for a youth-friendly policy and socialising opportunities
59 Construction work at St.-Martinus!
61 Under the church tower: renovation and extension of parish hall at Sint-Hilarius Bierbeek
75 Elderly friendly Kortenaken
77 Enhancing of the playgrounds in Webbekom
78 Renovation meeting centre Sint-Denijs
81 Renovation of the building behind the rectory Rummen
82 Kitchen, warm water and mezzanines
83 Sanitary facilities rectory Hogen
84 Increasing safety youth centre KAJ Winge
85 Renovation premises Scouting Assent
86 Upgrade of the kitchen and polyvalent room Youth centre KLJ Nieuwrode
88 Youth meets Energiesnoeiers
92 Redevelopment of Geetbets s station square
94 Renewal of Binkom’s village centre: redevelopment of the school’s surroundings
95 Demolition of Chiro Roosbeek’s old youth premises and their replacement by new constructions
98 Painting works at the Kapel van de Ossenweg
99 Parish hall in Hogen - Renovation of the parish centre
101 A sustainable future for De Kring
104 Redevelopment of the playground and meeting place in the centre of Bunsbeek
105 New construction for the youth premises of KLJ Waanrode
107 Replacing the old windows by new ones
110 Chiro Crescendo is building its future
111 Music during the Kortrijk Dutsel fair
112 Lifewide training offer for all inhabitants of the Hageland