1 Day activity for the disabled, therapy for psychiatric patients and initiation to sport fishing
4 Hidden Resilience Paths in the Hageland
5 Refurbishment of Shelter House BEKAF
6 A seat for everyone at HannaH
7 Launch of St Peter's procession
9 In the footsteps of Father Damien - Laakbrug
11 Micro project for macro village life in Attenhoven
12 Bittersweet, the life of Seasonal Labour
13 Buurten in Hageland: Ferm Mamadepot as accessible anchor point
14 Investing in the future of parish hall De Wal
15 Renovation facility area of parish centre St. Bernard Lubbeek
16 Chiro Betekom building together for the community
17 Warm wishes of young people
18 Church library Sint-Martinus (St-Martin's)
19 New spaces for youth in Begijnendijk
20 Meeting and inclusion on a care farm
21 Mending: a craft service that offers opportunities
22 Realising a circular entrepreneurial hub in the Citadel of Diest
23 Grooten Hof experience orchard
24 Setting up landscape play elements within the natural environment of the Viander Domain