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The municipality and Public Centre for Social Welfare of Hoegaarden often work with volunteers. The commitment of these people is indispensable. Volunteers provide the oxygen for our society; they are the best remedy for loneliness, egoism and embitterment. The work they do gives these volunteers a meaningful recreational activity. They decide for themselves how much time they put in and the tasks they want to take on. This voluntary commitment not only provides support and relief for our own staff; it also enhances our associations and organisations.

The aim of this project is to provide care for our more vulnerable volunteers. Voluntary work actually becomes a goal in itself because the work they do gives volunteers a sense of doing something meaningful and they have an opportunity to grow. By providing internal and external assistance we not only ensure quality, but continuity within the project.

Initiator: Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van Hoegaarden
LEADER-subsidy: € 15.000
Contact: An Van Ende - 016 80 87 83 - 0474 10 29 52 -
Duration: 2017 - 2018