With this pilot project, the promoter wants to launch a healthy and sustainable policy on food and snacks in the nurseries of the Hageland. In this policy, specific attention has been paid to the regional aspects of the food supply. The aim is to exploit as much as possible the own regional assets in terms of healthy food. The project will analyze which regional products can be used in the nurseries.
Furthermore, the project intends to focus on waste processing and packaging. At first, the alternatives in terms of food and snacks that can be presented in the nurseries, will be investigated in collaboration with experts. Next comes the implementation phase: the set-up and testing of distribution systems, trade routes and waste processing systems. These several nursery initiatives will focus on consciousness-raising in terms of healthy food and snacks. Finally, a health guide for nurseries will be published and a health-related event will be organized. This new knowhow will be used in other nursery initiatives.
Initiator: Landelijke Kinderopvang vzw
LEADER subsidy: € 99.995,46
Contact: Sofie Verrydt - sverrydt@landelijkethuiszorg.be - 016 24 49 85
Duration: 2009-2011