The current parish hall dates from 1958 and is located in the centre of Holsbeek. The large parish hall is situated on the first floor. The infrastructure had grown obsolete and did no longer meet all safety requirements. Cofinancing has been requested for the new part, to the left of the current lower hall. After a part of the existing complex had been demolished, a partially new hall was built. In addition, new common sanitary facilities were developed, as well as a new staircase leading to the rehearsal room of the brass band, the extension of the existing kitchen and a new passage to the garden. This project intends to meet the need for a modern, multifunctional area for various events, specifically responding to the needs of the associations and residents of Holsbeek as well as of its surrounding municipalities.
Initiator: not-for-profit Vereniging parochiale werken Gewest Aarschot afdeling Sint Maurus Holsbeek
LEADER subsidy: € 120.000
Contact: Staf Van den Bergh - 016 44 31 67 - staf.vandenbergh@skynet.be
Duration: 2010