Volunteers from the local ACW association [in Dutch, ACW stands for ‘Algemeen Christelijk Werkersverbond, meaning: general Christian trade union] are encouraged and trained to bring the volunteers of the municipality together during local gatherings. The aim is to:
- thank these volunteers for their permanent commitment
- highlight their enormous dedication
- promote mutual acquaintance between the volunteers, which might lead to partnerships
For this purpose, a training and information package was developed, containing information about the organization of an activity in a structured way and models about how to make such activities as attractive as possible, amongst other things. A basic package with invitations and information about room decoration is also provided. Furthermore, the ACW associations can be assisted when organizing a local gathering for volunteers.
Initiator: ACW-verbond Leuven
LEADER subsidy: € 3000
Contact: Marie-Jeanne Hendrickx - mj.hendrickx@acw.be - 0475 50 67 70
Duration: 2009-2010