The non-profit association formed from representatives of Scouts St. Martinus Lubbeek, KLJ-Lubbeek youth group and the Church Council, Parish and Municipality of Lubbeek, is responsible for the reconstruction, management and – via the ‘eentje voor een steentje’ support group – rental of the premises.
For this goal to be achieved, the premises first need to be reconstructed: their use was prohibited in 2008 owing to the danger of collapse. For this section of the project, and more specifically for the construction of the building shell which will enable wind- and rain-proof accommodation to be made available once again for the young people, the Hageland Leader Group is supporting the project.
Initiator: vzw Jeugdwerking Parochie ST. MARTINUS LUBBEEK
LEADER subsidy: € 120.000
Contact person: Valentijn De Smedt - 0474 30 42 18 - valentijn.desmedt@gmail.com