The Regionaal Landschap started the project "Groeves met een (ijzer)sterk verhaal" (Pits with a strong (as iron) story) in 2006. On the one hand a few of the typical pits have been repaired as remaining witnesses of the former use of land and the connection between scenery and cultural history. On the other hand personal testimonies of the last cultivation of the mines were gathered in interviews. A brochure was published which made the heritage of the ironstone easily accessible to the wider public. For this project, four historical pits were selected for which new signboards will be provided. Every signboard will display information on ironstone and will highlight a specific aspect per location. Cofinancing is requested for the signboard on the site in Tielt-Winge and for the revising and reprinting of the brochure "Groeves met een (ijzer)sterk verhaal".
Initiator: Regionaal Landschap Noord-Hageland vzw (www.rlnh.be)
LEADER subsidy: € 3000,00
Contact: Evelien Janssens - evelien.janssens@rlnh.be - T 016 63 59 54
Duration: 2012