The not-for-profit WORTELS association is a small employment project that started up in the Diest beguinage at the beginning of 2015. In order to enlarge the functions on a sustainable basis and to make them viable, the not-for-profit association wanted to extend its activities to include new complementary activities. Vegetables have been grown and a kitchen garden has been kept up by workers from the target group. Given that the town of Diest has made a kitchen available, the next step is to prepare meals. This request for funding for the start-up of this new work was for the appointment a monitor (0.5 FTE) and the purchase of a soup cart and additional material needed to sell soup in the neighbourhood and on the market of Diest.
Initiator: not-for-profit Wortels
LEADER subsidy: € 15,453.60
Contact: Margot Vandenwijngaerden - 0487 33 53 06 - margot.vandenwijngaerden@hotmail.com
Duration: 2016 - finished