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The not-for-profit De Vlaspit wanted to open up a local restaurant in the parish district of Sint Jan te Diest. In earlier days this was, thanks to the efforts of the parish; a dynamic district. The parish activities had fallen by the wayside however, clubs and societies were at a record low and parish premises were no longer used.
Thanks to the local restaurant it is now possible to offer healthy and affordable meals to poor people and people who because of their age, physical or mental problems, have difficulty making social contacts. By offering opportunities to meet up it is possible to expand and strengthen their social contacts. By providing information and working together with volunteers and other associations, we try to make assistance and services accessible, in combination with social employment services. Accommodation is now  also  available to different associations and/or the neighbourhood so that they can organise their own activities. The project has breathed  new life into the district and helps fight deprivation.

Initiator: De Vlaspit
LEADER subsidy: € 30.000,00
Contact: Monique De Dobbeleer - 013 78 46 34 - 0499 40 72 81 -
Duration: 2016 - 2017