The aim of this project is the socio-cultural redevelopment of the protected St. Remigius Church in Neervelp. The history of the church and its surroundings will be taken into account and respected. The cemetery will form an integral part of the project as a tranquil meditative space. The park and gardens of the rectory, adjacent to the church, will be opened to the community. The church building itself will become a space for meetings and gatherings of the brass band, musicians, artists, students, etc. There will also be occasional public events (performances, exhibitions, markets, etc.) that require a lot of space.
The redevelopment design is flexible allowing for different modular layouts of the church. The building will be made accessible for disabled people and have all the necessary facilities inside.
Initiator: Comunicipality BoutersemLEADER-subsidy: € 160.123,79
Contact: Sylvia Renquin - sylvia.renquin@boutersem.be - 016 72 10 57
Duration: 2020 - 2022