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AGB Landen has taken the helm in launching this project to set up a new meeting centre for rural-based youth, associations and residents via a joint-creation process with various partners. The aim is for Loods J to serve as a place to meet, relax and explore. A solidly built facility with a welcoming feel to it would contribute to this and act as a catalyst for all kinds of initiatives.
Loods J is located in an old military hangar in the 't Park domain in Landen. By renovating a few basic facilities, the outdated hangar could become an attractive site for recreational activities. The design plans will first be submitted for broad scrutiny by all the partners to ensure that all the expectations and needs are met. The partners and young people are also happy to add their elbow grease to the project.

Initiator: AGB Landen
LEADER-subsidy: € 65.700
Contact: Simon Vanrutten - - 011 88 03 16 - 0498 46 06 77
Duration: 2020