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The aim of "Zorgzaam Hoegaarden” (Caring Hoegaarden) is to create a connection between networks of informal care providers, caring districts and professional helpers.
Much has been done already in this domain in Flanders: community-oriented care, experiments with caring communities in an urban context, socialisation of care.
The theoretical models and pilot projects usually link caring neighbourhoods to services and facilities that are strongly anchored in the local districts.
We want to take up the challenge of turning truly rural districts into “Zorgzame Buurten” (caring districts) also.
A different project, running in parallel with our project in Hoegaarden, is also being implemented within the urban context of Tienen: the new district committee "Park Passionisten” is also ready to convert into a caring district.
This provides us information for making comparisons: is there a difference between rural and urban "caring districts", or do "caring districts" differ considerably from each other anyway, given that the general objective is for bottom-up growth and every district has a different approach to this?

Initiator: Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn from Hoegaarden
LEADER-subsidy: € 11.250,00
ContactAn Van Ende  -  016/808783   -
Duration4 march 2021 up till and including 30 june 2022