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Museum44 uses remembrance and education about the Second World War, to encourage critical thinking among visitors. Now that the museum is up and running successfully, the promoter wants to develop a specific educational programme for primary, secondary and higher education establishments in order to get more schools to visit the museum and to upscale our activities. A team of teachers, assisted by the scientific team of Museum44, will develop a range of educational projects, which will be professionally developed by digital and graphic designers. The icing on the cake is the creation of the “Museumdoos” (Museum Box), which can be borrowed by schools as a support for lessons in the school.

Initiator: Meensel_kiezegem '44
LEADER-subsidy: € 13.800
ContactTom Devos - +32 487/73.70.02 -
Duration1/09/2021 - 30/06/2022