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In 2020 and 2021, we were forced to call on our sense of resilience to a hitherto unseen degree. The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the near perpetual lockdown and all the accompanying measures that were announced have had an impact on the mental health of almost everyone. In particular, research reveals a major impact on the well-being and behaviour of elderly people living at home. Loneliness was one problem that became considerably aggravated. In order to extract older people from their isolation and encourage them to start exercising again, the municipality of Bekkevoort is building an extra walking trail within the municipality. The aim is to encourage senior citizens to exercise more. They then become fitter and subsequently have more energy. It also contributes to their mental well-being by offering them opportunities for social contact with other walkers on the path. The walk will be signposted and it will be possible to link up to an existing walk and thus extend the time spent exercising. QR codes will be posted along the walk, indicating places of interest, and they will also offer tips for physical and mental well-being.

Initiator: Gemeente Bekkevoort
LEADER-subsidy: € 6.450
ContactAnnelies Heusdens - 013/46.05.65 -
Duration 6/09/2021 - 12/12/2022