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The "Houwaartse Wijnbank” project (Wine Bench of Houwaart) involves the development, production and installation of a work of art in the form of "a giant bench" on the Houwaartse Berg in Houwaart. It will form a landmark on the Houwaart hillside that is covered with vineyards. The work of art is made of sustainable larchwood. It will offer somewhere the many hikers in the area to take a rest.
The Houwaart Wine Bench will be installed alongside the oldest vineyards on the Houwaartse Berg (vineyards planted by the late Jos Daems in 1970 and featuring wooden posts).
When you sit on top of the bench, you will be able to see the top of the Vlooyberg Tower "the bench meets the tower" or "the tower meets the bench". The connection between Houwaart '(Wine Bench) and Tielt-Winge (Vlooyberg Tower). Accessible for everyone, as a place to rest or meet, it is located in a unique natural environment with unique views.
The wooden bench melts into the surrounding area with the wooden posts of the vineyards and the edge of the forest.
Large rocks of ironstone will be installed at the foot the bench as references to the base of the Houwaartse Berg.

Initiator: V.Z.W. Houwaartse Wijnbank
LEADER-subsidy: € 10.410
ContactJoris Eeckhout - +32 472 / 20.58.41 -
Duration20/09/2021 - 30/06/2022