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The Kort'Om Hageland project is committed to promoting the short chain in the Hageland region. Local products are made accessible in more shops and by expanding the offer. The visibility in the shops and farm shops is improved by flanking the products with beautiful images and video material of our farmers. The aim is for customers to find local products directly in neighbourhood grocery stores and farm shops in the Hageland.

We are already working together with motivated farmers - with great products - and well-run neighbourhood supermarkets. By actively involving more shops and also conscious consumers in our operation, we create a group of ambassadors of ‘Kort͛Om Hageland’. They get to know the short chain better, become aware of our local agriculture and publicise it through their network. This strengthens the connection between farmer and consumer. This group of ambassadors attracts new shops and new customers.

Initiator: Kort'Om CV
LEADER grants: € 29.928
Contact: Michael Moulaert - 0484 060047 -
Duration: 2022-2024