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With this project, the partners are building a bridge between landscape experiences and professional mental health services. A hidden resilience path is a tool to integrate outdoor sessions into a therapeutic relationship. A roadmap with exercises linked to different landscape types is extended with 3 routes on map and gpx that clearly show the way to the most suitable exercise spots.

The launch of each route also includes a practical outdoor therapy training course grafted onto the route. This will give therapists tools to make the transition to outdoor sessions, complementary to other therapy. The local character (one route per municipality) also makes this type of therapy more locally accessible to residents and care institutions of the Hageland.
The project is located in parts of the Hageland area that are also in the 'De Merode' landscape park (Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, Diest, Aarschot).

Initiator: Landschapspark de Merode vzw
Copromotor: Focus on emotion - Training Centre for Experiential, Emotion-Focused and Existential Psychotherapy, Counselling & Coaching
LEADER grants: € 7.139
Contact person: Isabelle Lindemans - 03 240 58 25 -
Duration: 2024-2025